The flag holds immense symbolism and represents the pride and unity of a nation. It is crucial to adhere to proper flag etiquette, especially during special occasions such as parades, funerals, and ceremonies. This article aims to provide valuable guidance on how to display and handle the flag respectfully during these significant events.

Flag Etiquette Basics

Before delving into the specifics of various occasions, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals of flag etiquette. The national flag should always be treated with utmost respect, reflecting the values and principles it represents. Displaying the flag with honor and pride is a testament to our gratitude and reverence for our nation. Here are the 10 Essential Tips for Basic Flag Etiquette:

1. Displaying the Flag: When displaying the flag, ensure it is in good condition, free from tears or fraying. It should be flown in a place of prominence, ideally on a sturdy flagpole or holder.

2. Raising and Lowering the Flag: When raising or lowering the flag, do it slowly and with respect. The flag should never touch the ground or be allowed to drag.

3. Half-Staff Position: When flying the flag at half-staff, ensure it is first raised to the peak and then lowered to halfway between the top and bottom of the staff. This position is a sign of respect and mourning.

4. Proper Lighting: If displaying the flag at night, proper lighting should be provided to ensure it remains visible. Illuminate the flag with a dedicated light source that focuses solely on the flag.

5. Handling the Flag: When handling the flag, always do so with clean hands and treat it gently. Avoid allowing the flag to be crumpled or folded in a disrespectful manner.

6. Flag Folding: When folding the flag, follow the traditional triangle fold. Start by bringing the striped corner over the field of stars, then continue folding in a triangular shape until only the blue field with stars is visible.

7. Flag Storage: When not in use, the flag should be neatly folded and stored in a clean and dry place. Avoid placing other items on top of the flag to prevent it from being damaged or soiled.

8. Flag Cleaning: If the flag becomes dirty or soiled, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning. Most flags can be hand-washed using mild detergent and cold water, but delicate or antique flags may require professional cleaning.

9. Disposal of Worn-Out Flags: When a flag becomes tattered or faded beyond repair, it should be properly retired and disposed of in a dignified manner. Many organizations, such as the Boy Scouts of America, conduct flag retirement ceremonies for this purpose.

10. Respectful Behavior: When the flag is being raised, lowered, or passing in a parade, it is customary to stand at attention, remove any hats or headgear, and place your right hand over your heart. Military personnel may follow specific protocols for saluting the flag.

Remember, flag etiquette is a way to honor the symbol of our nation and show respect for the values it represents. By following these basic guidelines, we can demonstrate our appreciation for the flag and its significance in our lives.

Flag Etiquette during Parades

Parades present an opportunity to showcase national unity and patriotism. Proper handling and carrying of the flag are essential during these events.

1. Proper Handling and Carrying: When participating in a parade and carrying the flag, it is essential to handle it with care and respect. Hold the flag upright and avoid letting it touch the ground at all costs. Use both hands to hold the flagpole, with the flag flying freely and not wrapped around the pole.

2. Positioning and Placement: The flag should be positioned in a place of honor during a parade. It is customary for the flag to lead the procession, either carried by a designated flag bearer or mounted on a flagpole. The flag should be positioned ahead of any other banners or flags in the parade, symbolizing its significance and prominence.

3. Behavior and Decorum: While marching with the flag, participants should display appropriate behavior and decorum. Maintain a respectful and dignified demeanor throughout the parade. Avoid engaging in distracting or disrespectful behavior that may detract from the solemnity or significance of the occasion. Remember, you are representing the flag and the values it stands for.

By following these top three basic flag etiquette guidelines during a parade, you can demonstrate your respect for the flag, honor the occasion, and contribute to a meaningful and memorable event.

Flag Etiquette during Funerals

Funerals, whether military or civilian, hold great significance for honoring and paying tribute to individuals who have passed away. The flag plays a crucial role in these solemn events. When placed on a casket, the flag should be positioned correctly, with the blue field of stars over the deceased’s left shoulder. During the folding and presentation of the flag, solemnity and respect are paramount. The flag is then presented to the bereaved family as a token of gratitude and appreciation.

Flag Etiquette during Ceremonies

Formal ceremonies provide an opportunity to commemorate and celebrate significant events. The flag holds a central role in these occasions, and proper flag etiquette is crucial. Whether the ceremony is indoors or outdoors, the flag should be displayed with reverence. It should be raised and lowered with dignity, and proper salutes should be observed. When retiring a worn-out flag, it should be disposed of in a respectful manner, such as through a flag retirement ceremony.

Special Considerations and Additional Guidelines

In certain situations, special considerations may apply to flag etiquette. Weather conditions should be taken into account to ensure the flag is not damaged or disrespectfully displayed. When multiple flags are displayed together, proper order and spacing should be maintained. State and organizational flags also deserve respect and proper handling. Additionally, during international events and joint ceremonies, it is crucial to observe the flag etiquette of all participating nations.


Flag etiquette during special occasions is of paramount importance. By following the proper protocols for flag usage during parades, funerals, and ceremonies, we demonstrate our respect for the flag and all it symbolizes. Upholding these guidelines allows us to honor our nation, pay tribute to those who have served, and commemorate significant events with dignity and pride. Let us remember that the flag represents the unity and values of our nation, and its proper usage is a testament to our commitment to these ideals.